Monday, 22 September 2008

Catchup Time

It has been some time since I last posted, the past few weeks have been a bit of a struggle with one thing & another. My hip is still showing little improvement & I have been sleeping huge hours – much more than normal & very tired. I have also had bad heavy sore heads which makes it hard to concentrate. I stood on a rusty nail from our building work and it went straight through my shoe into my foot and had to have a tetnus booster which flared up my arm and has caused a lot of pain the last few days – plus my foot is bloody sore. So it has been fun & games lol. Here is a bit of a summary on what's been happening with my hip;
First week in Sept my physio was away and had another at the practice. It was not the best session as she thought I should have been further ahead than where I was and wanted to know why I wasn't doing this and I should be doing that etc etc. She also was a lot more aggressive and did some of the deep tissue massage over my scar which my normal physio was working up too but it was still not quite ready for rough treatment. I left feeling quite out of sorts & I am sure the physio I had is very good at their job I just don't think she gelled with my situation & I do understand it is hard picking up someone else's paitient! Luckily my physio was back the next week.
When I saw my normal physio again she did quite a bit of deep tissue work as things had gotten a little stiff and put more cups on than usual – quite painfull as she is getting closer & closer to the incision line.
On Friday I was given my swim program which I can start this week and we also made the HUGE step to the gym the have attached to the physio & started a Swiss Ball program. I was a little nervous as did not know how my hip was going to handle it. Things were pretty unstable as this was the first time I had “worked out” since mid 2007.......!
Hip was quite twingy in the groin, deep in the joint & of course all of the surrounding muscles :) It did not feel to good sitting on the ball as the pressure on the joint sitting was still quite painfull. All my muscles are completely wasted – which I pretty much knew already and it's going to take a LONG time to start building them up again, without increasing the pain levels to the joint/groin area.
I have approx 15 Swiss Ball excercises to do as well as my stretching program and my new swim program which I will start later in the week.
I have my 3 Month post surgery checkup tomorrow in Christchurch so will be interested to see what my specialist says, wonder what he will say about the groin pain..... things are still healing so I think I am going to get a “It's normal and will come right with time...” sort of answer.
Will update tomorrow when we get home :)