Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Hip Update Part 1 - 6 Months Post Screw Removal & 14 Months Post Open FAI Surgery.

Since the screws were removed from my hip just on 6mths ago (though it doesn't feel that long ago!) it has not been an easy recovery as we were expecting. (Though by now I should know anything to do with hips is just not straight forward!)

The screws which were a byproduct from the Open Surgical Dislocation surgery for FAI were thought to be causing irritation & pain in the hip so the best option would be to remove them and it would settle & recover as expected. Also during the surgery a steroid injection was administered to my other hip's Greater Trochanteric Bursa as due to the added strain the leg/hip was under this was now up there with the pain on my operated side & I was only able to lie on my 'Good Side' for around 5 minutes till it went numb/became quite painful.

The recovery was more painful than I was prepared for and it took a number of weeks to be able to fully weight bear on that leg again. The incision was directly through the large scar from the open surgery & was approx 4cm long - I don't think the muscles liked this at all! The incision did heal on the surface quite quickly which was one good thing.

I was unable to go to my post op checkup due to a bad bout of the flu & when it was time to make another appointment it was coming up to Christmas & was not able to get a reply to email's or phone messages so December & January was still without any feedback or rehab programs starting.

At the beginning of February my case manager called for a catchup - continued in Part 2!

1 comment:

Louisa B said...

Nicola why the screws? What kind of FAI did you have? WHat did they find when you went in? When was your surgery and have you had that follow up yet?