Monday, 22 March 2010

Hip Update Part 3 - 6 Months Post Screw Removal & 14 Months Post Open FAI Surgery.

After that mammoth last post I will keep this last part as short & sweet as I can!

Here is what's happened after the horrid CPMA:

- My old physio who I had from before my hip injury & who worked on it when it happened got back to NZ from Oz (her & her partner moved to Oz for work but are now back!) Which was the first great thing. She is the best physio (10yrs) I have come across here & I have had a few! When I found out she was back I made an appt to see her & got in that week.

- Physio agreed that I needed a solid physio program with manipulation & acupuncture to kick things off & was horrified at the way I was treated at the CPMA, but had heard similar stories from others.

- Had the long overdue appt with my specialist, went over what had happened after the screw removal (I think this was the longest appt yet - almost 15mins!!) Didn't want to look at the hip or check movement. Said that there was nothing right now he could do in regards to operating & agreed that I needed a good PT program. He dictated a letter to ACC advising this & if after the PT & manipulation I was still in the same amount of pain only then would we go back to the CPMA.

- Big weight off my shoulders now that I am being backed for the PT. Though I still would like an x-ray as none were taken after the screw removal. I think it would also be interesting for a MRA as waaaaay back in the begining of this injury I had a MRI - which did show some tears but they are just not as sensitive at picking up tears & abnormalities like the MRA's are (MRA is a MRI with contract dye injected into the scanned area.).

- Next good thing was I got a new ACC case manager & she is 100 times better than the last. She asked who recommended I have the CPMA - I replied my old case manager she couldn't understand why she sent me there! Where was this case manager weeks ago??? She agreed that I did not need to manage my current pain but that I needed to have a decent go at a PT program & get proper results.

- Finally things are in motion. Currently 2 weeks into 12 Week "Return To Independance Program" which is pretty much 12 weeks of intense physio/gym work/stretching etc. YAY.

- Specialist does want to see me when we are around 8 weeks into the program just to see how things are progressing.

Much happier now - end of hip update & Rehab Program next!

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