Wednesday, 29 October 2008

I Hurt All Over..

Ugh the past couple of days have been very tiring. Firstly my stomach decided to flareup with all the pain pills I have been taking so I have felt very knackered and exhausted with that. My good old hip has been quite sore - more sore than normal and I don't know why.

Plus I twisted my ankle on my good leg and that's been aching like hell up to my knee.....with my stomach not well it's making my whole body ache too. I was ment to go see my sister's puppies again today but had no energy. Was also planning on settup up a mini studio and take some portrait photos of the kitties but don't even have the energy for that :(

I am so over pain, so over my hip. My next checkup is next week in CHCH but nothing has really changed since 6 weeks ago if anything I have a little more pain. Physio is frustrating as the cupping is not getting easier and doesn't seem to be making huge headway. I am also feeling funny pains which I think are coming from my screws - god I really don't want to get them out!! If they irritate me it's another op and they cut through the previous scar and take them out. After that it's 4-6 weeks on crutches so the holes where the screws were can heal otherwise there is risk of fracture if you don't.

It's just started raining here and is pretty blustery outside. Maybe it will be a nice weekend??

I am also starting to get my photography business up and running, starting the company registration etc so that's exciting.  Ordering one of my new lenses next week - Canon 50mm f1.4 (nifty fifty) and a speedlite flash, yay! My biggest lens I am saving for is the "L" Series 70-200mm f2.8 IS by Canon, it is pro series and is an insanely awesome piece of glass and with IS (built in image stabilization) it's perfect. Comes with a perfect $3,000 price tag though!!! The other lens after the 50mm that I will be getting is the Canon 85mm f1.8 USM which is around $600 so that's not too bad!

Currently watching LA Ink with Kat Von D - so much better now she has her own shop and away from the Miami Ink boys. Her shop is totally awesome, pink with ornate mirrors and this massive carved reception desk.


Alessea said...

Hey Nikki
My experience of getting my screws out was no big deal (apart from the first few hours after surgery). Few days on crutches, few more days on one crutch if I could be bothered. Surgeon just said to be careful for a few months and not run any marathons lol!
Only thing I found that surprised me, I lost a lot of the strength I had gained which scared me but it took hardly any time to come back.

Only other thing is, I dont really feel it helped that much, but then I have some issues that are probably contributing to that state of affairs.

Hope your tummy settles and you start feeling better soon! We need a catch up chat once I'm done with my exams...

Mia said...

Hey Nicole,
My name is Mia and I am 12 years old. I might possible have Legg Calve Perthes Disease, thus I wouldn't be able to do anything for about 6-8 weeks. Do you have any activities or intersting things that you think I would like? You can email me at

Thanks for understanding.