Saturday, 4 July 2009

Dusting Off The Cobwebs..

Yes my blog has been neglected - my last post was in October last year! Though it doesn't feel to me that long. Well as I bring this back to life I am waiting for my third hip operation in a year & a half.

Amazingly in a few months it will be fours years since my accident that started me on this rather painfull road. Though because of my injury I have been fortunate to meet a lot of wonderful people and new doors have opened along the way.

Just a quick post - more catchup posts to follow later today :)

1 comment:

Jess said...

Welcome back!
Does this mean you are finally getting your screws removed??
Any idea of a date yet??
I'm seeing JR next month...hoping if I need surgery he'll be able to fit me in this year..