Saturday, 11 July 2009

Operation #3 - Waiting for a date

This week I received my surgery approval to remove the screws left in from the open surgery I had on June 14th last year (2008). Thankfully it only took a couple of weeks from seeing my specialist to getting the approval from ACC however my specialist is now on holiday and I am still waiting after many emails for a surgery date. It is looking like late late August/Early Sept at this stage.

Little frustrating as over the past couple of weeks I have had a major flare - not even sure if I can call it a flare more like everything has got worse and not settled. This week alone my hip has started hurting much more in the groin (labrum issues again??) and there have been a lot more pains deep in the bone. As well as increased muscle pain - currently my calves and hands are the only muscles which are not in severe pain.

Sleeping has been frustrating more than usual as my 'good' side is now so irritated I am unable to sleep on it and if i try it goes completely numb and hurts like crazy so I am left to sleep on my back with pillows under knees etc. Very hard to get comfy so lack of sleep isn't helping!!

I was also given new painkillers to try as my body had gotten used to previous ones and the effect was minimal. These new ones are very strong and it feels like there are a lot of nasty chemicals in their makeup.

Hmm I think that's enough moaning for now :) Post more later! Hope everyone is surviving winter - there have been some heavy frosts here!!

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