Friday, 8 August 2008

First Physio Appointment Post Op

Well I managed with some difficulty to drag myself to my 9am physio appointment this morning. Brr it was so cold!

As my physio who I have had throughout my injury has left and gone to Australia I had to find a new one, luckily a friend of mine sugested a great physio here who deals with complex cases and she was also recommended by my surgeon.

So It took around 40mins to go through my strory, show her my photos,x-rays & MRI images & I am pretty happy as she is lovely and does have some experience with hip problems like mine!

We are going to start out slowly as it is only early days and since my injury was in 2005 my body is going to take a long time to heal back to normal. She has given me two stretches to do, calf stretch & lower back extension 9(lying on my stomach arching my back) as my lower spine has pretty much siezed up. She wants me to do these gentle stretches till next Tuesday to loosen the muscles then on the next appointment so is going to do some soft tissue work on my thigh/calf/lower back & see what my limitations are.

Only a little more sore than usual for going through the excercises and am looking forward to getting the muscle work done next week. Am booked in for Tuesday & Friday next week. This new place I am going has a mini gym there also so you can go and do you rehab and be kept an eye on unlike being sent to a big gym and floundering so that's good.

I will also be doing a lot of rehab in the pool - which I don't mind as I only live a block away from the indoor pool here & it's warm!! Only thing I hate is the strong chlorine smell so hopefully it's not that bad as have not been there for years.

Sleeping - I am able to lie on my right side for around 5-10mins just to give my back a rest but them my op'd hip starts to ache quite badly so have to move back onto my back.

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