Friday, 1 August 2008

More Background on my Hip Injury..

This post is a continuation of the January 2008 post;

By September 2007 I had been through 2 x GP's, numerous physio's, Chiropractor, Local Specialist, Osteopath & a Chinese Accupuncturist to find out why my hip and groin had never settled down after my fall onto my left hip in October 2005.

After the Local Specialist admitted the results on the MRI looked too complicated for him to "fix me" I found my own specialist in Christchurch who was reported to be one of the best in the country.

I was sent to get more x-rays and he assessed my MRI. The MRI showed a small tear and Cam & Pincer Impingement. My surgeon wanted to do open surgery to correct these problems and also deal with my very irritated bursa. However ACC thought this surgery was too risky and wanted him to try Keyhole Surgery first to see if that would work. So on 10 December 2007 I went in for the Scope (keyhole). I was only in the theatre around 30mins as all they could do was repair the small tear which showed on the MRI and debride (burn off) a larger tear which had not shown on the MRI. (MRA's show much more detail for this type of injury).

They were unable to address or even look at the bursa or deal with the impingement issues. We did hold onto the hope that what they managed would be enough to make me pain free....

I was operated on the Monday morning and was discharged Tuesday lunchtime & got to make the lovely 2 hour drive home. Over the next 5 months I went for checkups with my specialist and thing went downhill for me and I ended up getting more sore after the scope than before and it was getting worse....

I was given a guided steroid injection into the hip capsule to hopefully reduce the inflammation however this also aggrevated my hip and made things worse with no relief.

I went back to my surgeon in dispair and said I couldn't take this any longer and wanted him to apply to ACC for funding for the open proceedure they turned down in the first place. He did and amazingly it only took 3 weeks for approval to go through and I had my date set for June 14th for the Open Surgery to address the FAI, Bursa & any tears not seen in the first scope.

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