Wednesday, 29 October 2008

I Hurt All Over..

Ugh the past couple of days have been very tiring. Firstly my stomach decided to flareup with all the pain pills I have been taking so I have felt very knackered and exhausted with that. My good old hip has been quite sore - more sore than normal and I don't know why.

Plus I twisted my ankle on my good leg and that's been aching like hell up to my knee.....with my stomach not well it's making my whole body ache too. I was ment to go see my sister's puppies again today but had no energy. Was also planning on settup up a mini studio and take some portrait photos of the kitties but don't even have the energy for that :(

I am so over pain, so over my hip. My next checkup is next week in CHCH but nothing has really changed since 6 weeks ago if anything I have a little more pain. Physio is frustrating as the cupping is not getting easier and doesn't seem to be making huge headway. I am also feeling funny pains which I think are coming from my screws - god I really don't want to get them out!! If they irritate me it's another op and they cut through the previous scar and take them out. After that it's 4-6 weeks on crutches so the holes where the screws were can heal otherwise there is risk of fracture if you don't.

It's just started raining here and is pretty blustery outside. Maybe it will be a nice weekend??

I am also starting to get my photography business up and running, starting the company registration etc so that's exciting.  Ordering one of my new lenses next week - Canon 50mm f1.4 (nifty fifty) and a speedlite flash, yay! My biggest lens I am saving for is the "L" Series 70-200mm f2.8 IS by Canon, it is pro series and is an insanely awesome piece of glass and with IS (built in image stabilization) it's perfect. Comes with a perfect $3,000 price tag though!!! The other lens after the 50mm that I will be getting is the Canon 85mm f1.8 USM which is around $600 so that's not too bad!

Currently watching LA Ink with Kat Von D - so much better now she has her own shop and away from the Miami Ink boys. Her shop is totally awesome, pink with ornate mirrors and this massive carved reception desk.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Sunday Lovely Sunday

Well it bucketed down yesterday afternoon and during the night. Woke up this morning to a brisk spring day, lots of sun with just a little cold easterly blowing. Looked up at the hills (Hunter Hills) and there was a fresh dumping of snow! Made me feel like it was winter again lol. Aparently Lake Tekapo also had snow on the ground and just checked out the webcam up there and yes it's a little white!

It is supposed to be 21oC tomorrow and I think around 16oC today so we might go for a day trip somewhere tomorrow, somewhere scenic so I can take some photos!!

The Pool - we managed to drag ourselves to the pool yesterday and happened to time it with a ground of around 10 boys who look between 8-10. Century is a decent sized indoor pool but when you have that many screeming boys in one place it felt VERY VERY small.  We got in and I went through my exercises (much prefer our spa it's soo much warmer) I think the pool was around 20oC so I got cold quickly and it's not like I was swimming lengths to keep warm!

We got out after around 20mins and as we passed the strange looking lifeguard she commented we wernt in for long - I explained that I was recovering from hip surgery and only here to do physio exercises, she sort of mumbles after that. Plus the air was very heavy with the chlorine smell and I felt quite sick. The only other pool option is Maori Park but that doesn't open till November - it's heated but open air.

I think I will try to do most of the exercises in the spa!!! We do have a pool but it's empty as needed a clean badly and not heated so there is no way I would get into the water - unless thrown in..

So today I am awfully stiff and catchy - about to do my swiss ball exercises to loosen things up, I hope :)

Fingers crossed everyone is having a great long weekend!

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Bad Weather Has Arrived

Well it wouldn't be Labour Weekend without rainy cold weather! Hit here about an hour ago but Craig managed to get the lawns mowed and the Spa refilled! 

Recently downloaded Greys Anatomy season 5 episode 1-5, it's going to be a good season I think! we have also gotten up to date with Weeds - I think it first aired on TV 1 in NZ but we were never really interested, but watched the first season and got hooked. Just watching the end of season 4 then that's it till season 5 starts next year in the US.

Off now to the Pool to do my exercises not that I can muster the energy to go out in the cold weather!


My Physio appointment last Monday was different - as I told her about the "new pain" she came to the conclusion that it was a type of joint pain. She tested again the angle I could bring my leg up to my chest and since I managed 105oC last time i was hopefull........ I got 70oC.

Grrrr so her explanation was she thinks thick scar tissue has developed in the muscles in the groin and deep around the hip capsule it'self which is in turn stiffening everything up - even though I am doing my stretches and exercises. So she decided to put my leg in to various traction positions to try to loosed the scar tissue etc.

For those who have not had this done it basicly involves a seat belt and a towel and the physio wraps the belt around her then also around my leg which was bent up when lying on my back. Once all was clipped into place she the proceeded to lift the leg with pressure and stretch the joint area as well as moving the leg in all different positions. Yes it hurt but it did loosen the joint a little and when I left I could get 90oC. Still not 105oC but at least an improvement on when I went in! Oh and one of the traction positions was to wrap the towel round my foot then attached the belt to my wrapped foot and the physio pulls the leg. - Basicly the position your leg is in if you have the keyhole hip surgery. It felt WEIRD, it was quite a good feeling for a bit but as she stretched I felt lots of fibres/ligaments/muscles go pop & creak then it started to hurt. So I kindly asked her to stop.

I didn't get any manipulations or cupping this time, didn't miss it at all!! :)

Long Weekend Is Here!

Yay - I really don't know why I am so excited as I'm not working anyway lol but I do get to spend quality time with my partner!

Well things have not been too rosy with my hip over the last couple of weeks. It was good to get Pink Ribbon Day done though :)

Last week I increased my strengthening exercises to twice a day plus pool physio then I started to get bad pains deep in the joint when lying on my good side in bed (even with pillow between my legs) and also when switching to lie on my back. This was a different pain again from what I had been getting - was not nerve or muscle pain, felt deep in the joint like "bone pain". So hard to describe to those who haven't experienced anything like us hipsters.

I am wondering if the two screws are starting to irritate the bone.... if that happens and it gets bad it's up to CHCH again for another op to cut me open and remove them. Then it's on crutches again for 4-6 weeks while the holes where the screws were knit over. Ugh I don't want to think of that. My scar and op area is still insanely sore as it is, I think I can feel it cringing at the thought of more surgery!

Off to the pool 7.30am Sat - if I can get out of bed, apparently the weather is supposed to turn crappy for the long weekend (surprise surprise) so if it gets as cold as they say my op hip is going to tell me about it, cold weather aggrivates it chronicly.

This post has turned into a bit of a rant :) We have been very lucky with the weather though and over the last week we have had beautiful spring days. On Sunday Craig and I went for a drive out to Cave via the scenic route and went to the lovely stone church there. It's open to the public and can be hired for weddings. Managed to get some lovely photos, here are a couple;

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Yes I have been SLACK....

I had intended to write in this blog every day but that kind of went out the window over the past few weeks!

So here is a little run down on what's been happening... I turned another year older at the start of Oct and am now the ripe old age of ..... 27! I though I would feel different at this age, strangely I don't but I know I have changed since I was 21... 3 years till I am 30 - in the olden days I would be married, have had all my children and look after the house and children all day whilst my husband brings home the bacon.

Career-wise since my hip has enabled me time to breath/think I am at least certain  that once I get my Dip in Photography that will be my main career choice with my Massage Therapy complementing it.

I also attended my niece's 4th Birthday in late Sept - which was a lot of fun, I was the queen of fairy bread lol. I got her lots of girly things & it was fun shopping for them!

Physiowise it has been prett painful - we are down to once a week for hands-on manipulations with cupping/accupuncture and I wish I could say each week the muscles around the hip/butt were slightly improving but they aren't as yet. The other week the cups got put on around the glute muscles and "Migratory Cupping" was done - which is when the cup is suctioned onto the skin and moved up and down in strokes along the muscle.

Now unless you have had this done I do not think you can comprehend the pain - the first 3-4 sweeps are pure insane agony, it basicly feels like the muscle fibres are ripping and separating (which the sort of are) them after those passes it does ease as the muscles loosen. At one point it was so sore I could not muster myself to say anything and as a reflex ended up bursting into tears and flapping my arms.... not pretty!!

Yesterday's appointment only involved deep tissue massage and normal cupping - that was bad enough as I had not been for a week & a half and everything was very tight. For my recovery I am now supposed to go to the pool 3 times a week & complete my 20 strengthening exercises on the swiss ball twice a day...... any one got spare energies for me :)

One good thing was my flexibility has improved & I can now bring my knee up to my chest to 105oC - considering my first visit was 680C then it went to 75oC so there is improvement there, yay.

Joint pain is still there.... but I don't want to go into that today.

PINK RIBBON DAY - For the last 5 years I have organised the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal for Timaru, Temuka, Fairlie & Geraldine & this year no one else came forward to organise it & I didn't want to let everyone down so with the help of great friends & family we pulled it off for the 6th year.

What first got me interested in making a difference was seeing my grandmother go through Breast Cancer when I was in 7th form. She knew she had a lump but waited far too long to tell anyone about it & when she did it was in an advanced stage. So she had the double mastectomy followed up with radiation therapy & jumbles of cancer fighting drugs. However
complications from the radiation therapy caused numerous blood clots which in turn caused her to have two large strokes
with the second one leaving her unable to speak & function.

I remember visiting her is hospital and holding her hand looking into her eyes - you could see there was light there and
her brain was still active but she was unable to communicate. Her eyes sparkled and that was enough. I spent time
with her and later that night she passed. She was only 65.

So I decided I wanted to do something to make a difference and to increase awareness as if she had told people earlier
the outcome would have been a lot different. SAVE BREASTS SAVE LIVES is one of the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation's
motos. So to all that are reading this - do regular breast checks - it doesn't matter if your 15 or 50, male or female!

Breast Cancer does not only effect the older generation - however most of the public think this. Also MEN CAN GET
BREAST CANCER TOO - every year around 20 MEN are diagnosed with breast cancer - so get checking boys, you have
breast tissue too.

This year for the appeal we were so lucky with the weather - it was on Friday 10th October & that was the National Street Appeal
Day. We had a beautiful sunny spring day with light norwesters in the afternoon bringing the temp to around 20oC.
Everywhere was busy & people were so generous - thank you to all that donated! This year there was a increase in
men donating - even teenage boy & they put their pink wristbands on or their pink ribbon without a second thought.

At the end of the day everywhere you went someone was wearing a band or a ribbon & to me that means we
did our job. Business men in flash suits looked very smart with their pink ribbon or wristband on :) So far we have raised
around $6,500 with more to come in before the end of October, so I anyone want a Pink Wristband or Pink Ribbon
let me know!!

You might be wondering how my hip coped with all this running around - little things called PAIN KILLERS got me through it!
I have managed to get myself off the Morphine and am now relying on Codine in highish doses and hoping my tum handles
it ok. Friday night I was wrecked, Saturday we were at Pak & Save collecting & I did 3 hours and crashed in the afternoon.
Sunday - well I am not sure where Sunday went lol.

But I managed it through everything that was going on and that makes me proud as I know the money raised will
help in the fight against Breast Cancer.

My new Goal it to be fit enough to do the RELAY FOR LIFE in March 09. So I have something to work towards! Off to get
some lunch now & will post again this afternoon - promise!!

Monday, 22 September 2008

Catchup Time

It has been some time since I last posted, the past few weeks have been a bit of a struggle with one thing & another. My hip is still showing little improvement & I have been sleeping huge hours – much more than normal & very tired. I have also had bad heavy sore heads which makes it hard to concentrate. I stood on a rusty nail from our building work and it went straight through my shoe into my foot and had to have a tetnus booster which flared up my arm and has caused a lot of pain the last few days – plus my foot is bloody sore. So it has been fun & games lol. Here is a bit of a summary on what's been happening with my hip;
First week in Sept my physio was away and had another at the practice. It was not the best session as she thought I should have been further ahead than where I was and wanted to know why I wasn't doing this and I should be doing that etc etc. She also was a lot more aggressive and did some of the deep tissue massage over my scar which my normal physio was working up too but it was still not quite ready for rough treatment. I left feeling quite out of sorts & I am sure the physio I had is very good at their job I just don't think she gelled with my situation & I do understand it is hard picking up someone else's paitient! Luckily my physio was back the next week.
When I saw my normal physio again she did quite a bit of deep tissue work as things had gotten a little stiff and put more cups on than usual – quite painfull as she is getting closer & closer to the incision line.
On Friday I was given my swim program which I can start this week and we also made the HUGE step to the gym the have attached to the physio & started a Swiss Ball program. I was a little nervous as did not know how my hip was going to handle it. Things were pretty unstable as this was the first time I had “worked out” since mid 2007.......!
Hip was quite twingy in the groin, deep in the joint & of course all of the surrounding muscles :) It did not feel to good sitting on the ball as the pressure on the joint sitting was still quite painfull. All my muscles are completely wasted – which I pretty much knew already and it's going to take a LONG time to start building them up again, without increasing the pain levels to the joint/groin area.
I have approx 15 Swiss Ball excercises to do as well as my stretching program and my new swim program which I will start later in the week.
I have my 3 Month post surgery checkup tomorrow in Christchurch so will be interested to see what my specialist says, wonder what he will say about the groin pain..... things are still healing so I think I am going to get a “It's normal and will come right with time...” sort of answer.
Will update tomorrow when we get home :)

Monday, 25 August 2008

Rain, Rain, Rain

The nice weather lasted till Saturday then the rain came back! The river photo in a past post is back again, it has been raining steadily since Sunday morning and things had not really dried out from the last lot of rain so there is a lot of surface water lying around and everything is sooo soggy. It looks like the weather is here for a few days too. Crap.

I took little Elli to the vet this morning to get fixed - was so hard to get up at 7.30am, my fingers were so sore. These haven't improved & are not chill blanes - the pain is right in the joints and the get very swollen & stiff. Have been told it is just a winter thing, but it's a huge pain.

Poor little Elli, she has thankfully gotten over her first heat and has been back to normal since Saturday. I can pick her up between 4-6pm so will get her after my physio appt at 4pm. Made a nice cosy bed for her and will lavish her with lots of treats & cuddles. She is really my little baby as Craig got her for me when she was 6 weeks old just after my first operation (Scope in Dec) and have been with her everyday (We are keeping her inside till shes bigger as there is a nasty cat a couple of houses down and our other cat who is 4 has had some awful run-ins with it) So yes I got a little emotional dropping her off!

Hip hasn't really changed still bit catchy - will see how it goes after physio today. I am really craving bad food....takeaways???

Friday, 22 August 2008

When will I have a good day again....

I woke up this morning to my nose blocked, swollen sore neck glands, finger joints so sore I couldn't clentch my hands and my hip sore and catchy. Grrrr. I hate being sick - I have not had a cold of the flu since November last year! I only hope I don't get a roaring fever as that will set my hip right off.

My finger joints have not been co-operating at all, I have been keeping them warm etc but to no avail - it's just not nice! For my massage course I need to massage people and get the hours for my record book. I gave Craig a massage last night - I think the antiflamme rub helps my fingers a little but they throb afterwards and go really stiff. I wish it was arthritis as then I could take something for it. I just have to wait for summertime.....

My Massage Course is going good, however I have fallen way behind with assignments and am stressing a little. It is hard to concentrate with my head foggy from pain killers and just the overall tiredness from everything I have been through. I am trying to stay confident but finding it very hard to stay motivated at the moment. I am still in bed (12.46pm) and don't want to move as it hurts everywhere.

I had another physio appt yesterday. More cupping!! Which I actually love and it really works well on me. I first had them placed again on my lower back, 2 on my bum with one on the very tender piriformis muscle, one on the outside knee joint and one on my calf. I was so amazed at how quickly my knee joint had healed and it was hardly sore - whereas the last two times it was nearly too sore to massage. The cupping works great to separate the tight & toxic muscles and increases the bloodflow hugely to that area and just works so well. Then after the cups were on for around 15mins my physio got into more deep tissue work on my lower back, bum, hamstring and calf. My physio was actually able to do deep tissue massage on my calf which had not been previously possible. My hamstring is not sore at all which I am thankfull for, just a little tight. My lower back seams to be improving also which is good as it was so tight it was pretty much siezed.

Next I got to roll onto my right side (ouch as the bursa on that side it still not 100% happy from favoring that side so much) and my physio started working on my IT band and the muscles round my incision. She started on the bottom of the IT band near the knee however I couldn't tolerate the pressure so she decided to cup the muscles first to get the bloodflow into the area and try massage after. She put the first cup around 3cm up from the knee and she managed 2 suction pumps (the feeling of being cupped on very sore muscles is hard to explain - to not put you off it very much feels like the muscles are tearing as they are sucked into the cup. However this only lasts till the bloodflow gets going and it actually feels GOOD and RELAXING!) Then she moved about 5cm above that one - much closer to where the incision is. This one she only managed 1/2 Suction Pump as it was super, super sore/stuck etc. The cup managed to stay on through and did manage to increase the bloodflow to the area. It was quite cool this time as I could actually see the cups on and working. The cup near my knee looked like a mallowpuff - that's how much skin was sucked into the cup and was a deep purple colour with the increased bloodflow.

After around 10mins my physio took them off the tried again to rub along the IT band. What a huge difference! She was able to massage alone the band with much less pain! She was not going as deep as she had on my back but still it was a big improvement, I was so amazed and really think many people with tight IT bands could benefit from this. She moved over my thigh muscle next - I was expecting it to be very sore as it has wasted away a lot and I had a lot of trouble with it cramping badly after the op. However when she started it did not hurt at all!! Yay one muscle that was not sore! She got in quite deep and still no pain, wasn't untill she got to the outer edges of the muscle - round the IT band and my incision did I feel any pain.

My next appointment is Monday 4pm and am looking forward to it. The weather has turned today, we have had two beautiful sunny springlike days here but this morning it is overcast, quite windy and there are some very dark clouds down south! It looks like this weather is here for the weekend too.....9 days till Springtime!!! I hope the weather starts to really improve, I love spring & summer. We have lots of lovely spring flowers out in the garden at the moment and it's lovely!

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Cromwell Trip, Kitten on Heat & Sore Joints!!

Well hopefully the title got you interested in reading more! Lol. There was a couple of birthdays in Craig's family who are in Cromwell so we left Timaru round 6.30pm Friday - we decided this was the best time to miss the snow as it's snowing quite frequently down there at the moment, especially through the Lindis Pass.

I must say it was the most beautiful night to travel, we went through the Lindis around 8.30pm and it was clear skys, snow on the mountains & up to the roadsides & was also nearly a Full Moon so the light from the moon reflected off the snow and made it so bright we could have driven with our headlights off! I would have stopped and taken photos however it was -6 at the top of the pass and just a tad too cold for my hip etc!

Photos from the weekend can be seen on my online gallery under the Canon EOS450D folder -

Takes 3 hours from here to Cromwell with a good run on traffic and since it was night time we managed to miss all the camper vans & tourist buses, Yay! So it was a good trip there.

Saturday we went to Queenstown but it was raining and slushy so we just had some lunch and made out way to Arrowtown which was clear just overcast and managed to get some nice photos there and through the gorge on the way back to Cromwell. Sunday morning we woke up to it snowing in Cromwell and left for the journery home around 10.30am. Took some lovely photos of the mountains reflecting off the lake just out of Cromwell - it was soo still & beautiful! Also stopped at a few points in the Lindis and got some more lovely photos.

Was good to get home though as this was my first big trip since my op and my hip was protesting a little at all the travelling and not being in our own bed.

My mum came in Friday night and looked after the cats till Sunday & when we got home we were greeted like we had been away for a week! So lots of cuddles were given :) That night Elli (who is 8 months now) meowed a lot more than normal and from 2-5am meowed non stop and kept jumping and flicking the door handle in her room and thumping back on the floor. We let her out and she just wanted to play so I gave her some food and she stayed calm till the alarm went off at 6.30am. During the day she wanted constant attention (more than usual!) and during the night kept meowing crazy sounds. I heard her a few times during the night but she was more settled. This morning though she was really crazy, meowing CONSTANTLY, needing lots of cuddles and sticking her bum in the air - oh and sitting her bum on our other cats head! Not lady-like at all! So you can see where this is going..... my baby's not a baby anymore and is ON HEAT. She was too young before my operation to get her fixed and there has not been a good time till now to get it done. She isnt an outdside cat yet and our other cat has had his snip snip so no chance of her getting pregnant. Rang the vet and have booked her in for next week, though I don't want to take her as I don't want to cause her pain :( Has to be done though as we can't take this through the season every few weeks or so! At least I can look after her now as I am pretty mobile.

My cleaning lady who is supplied by ACC came this morning and she has cats.... Elli sniffed & sniffed & sniffed her then proceeded to follow her around crouching down and sticking her bum up and meowing weirdly at her! Luckily she loves Elli and has a good sense on humor lol. Poor wee kitty, she is currently zonked on my lap (finally) so I have a little peace from the meow's. I have set up lots of toys like a jungle gym to keep her occupied so hope that helps keep her mind off the breeding track!

Lastly my finger joints have been playing up - swelling up and very tender. I had this last winter and was tested for rheumatoid arthritis but the bloodtests came back neg. Come summertime my joints went back to normal but they are very painfull while they are inflammed & not helping me as I am studying Massage Thearapy & makes it hard to practice on people with it like that! My thumbs are the worst and as I am still using my crutches (down to one mostly) it's not that easy getting around at the moment. Roll on the warm weather...... PLEASE!!

9 Weeks Post Op FAI Open Surgery

Saturday was 9 weeks since my open surgery operation. I had another physio appt on Friday and had more deep tissue massage done and instead of accupuncture my physio did Chinese "Cupping";

Cupping is an ancient Chinese method of causing local congestion. A partial vacuum is created in cups placed on the skin either by means of heat or suction. This draws up the underlying tissues. When the cup is left in place on the skin for a few minutes, blood stasis is formed and localized healing takes place.

Cupping therapy has been further developed as a means to open the 'Meridians' of the body. Meridians are the conduits in the body through which energy flows to every part of the body and through every organ and tissue. There are five meridians on the back that, when opened, allow invigorating energy to travel the whole length of the body. It has been found that cupping is probably the best way of opening those meridians.

Cupping has also been found to affect the body up to four inches into the tissues, causing tissues to release toxins, activate the lymphatic system, clear colon blockages, help activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries, activate the skin, clear stretch marks and improve varicose veins. Cupping is the best deep tissue massage available. Cupping, the technique, is very useful and very safe and can be easily learned and incorporated into your family health practices.

Now plastic cups based on the traditional cups by applying the traditional cupping therapy together with the magnetic therapy. The new cups have done away with the traditional firing. This has made the application of the cups more easily and safely. It has a good penetrating effect and a big drawing strength. It has not only improved efficacy but also simplified the procedures of cupping therapy.

Above - Modern Cupping Cups which I had on me (couldn't take a photo of myself so this is an example!)

The improved plastic cups for ancient Chinese cupping therapy are now available for supply. They are easier to be handled and safer to be used for self-treatment at home. In China, the new cups are very popular for family cupping treatment.

Above - Traditional Cupping Cups.

I had cups placed on my lower back, bum (ouch) and the outside of my knee joint and calf. They were left on for around 10mins and though painfull when the cups are first applied after about 10 seconds the pain went away and it felt quite relaxing. Slight brusing where the cups were came out over the weekend but it wasn't sore. I also had my ROM rested on my hip and managed 68Deg when bringing my knee up to my chest before things started to pinch. My glute muscles on my operated side have pretty much dissolved compared to my right side and I can now work on getting those back!

Excercises - I have been given another one which is when lying on my stomach to clench my bum and hold for a couple of seconds then release. Being carefull with this one as when you clench those muscles it also contracts round the hip joint and I can feel it in the groin area.

My next appointment is on Thursday & would quite like to have the cupping done again as I think it had a good effect on me especially bringing the bloodflow back to the muscles PLUS it doesn't invlove needles!! :)

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Physio, Deep Tissue Massage & Needles!

Today (Tuesday)I had my second visit with my new physio & it was my first appointment where she actually got into the physio side of things!

She started off with me lying on my good side (which isn't as good as I would like it to be, but that's another post!) and started deep tissue massage on my glutes, thigh, hamstring & calf. She found my knee joint to be very stiff and painfull (side effect from the dislocation process during the operation) and spent a lot of time working on the joint and loosening it up as well as my calf muscle which was incredibly tight and painfull.

After around 30mins on those areas she then got me to lie on my stomach and worked on my lower back & sacrum area.

My Sacroiliac Joint was very tender & easily irritated since my injury and after what goes on with the pelvis during the surgical dislocation it was not surprising I nearly jumped off the table when she only lightly touched the area to see how painfull it was.....

This area is extremely painfull and she did some light massage over the area but not too much as it is not nice when that flares up, makes sitting/lying very uncomfortable. She then moved onto my lower spine and worked on loosening up the very stiff Lumbar Veretbra.

Next came the needles, now I am not a fan & never will be of needles but as long as I am laying down & have sugar afterwards I am able to handle it ok. I had had Chinese Accupuncture before and the needles were left in for over 30mins and were followed by a very vigourous massage. It was very different to the physio style accupuncture!

Needles were placed round my knee joint, lumbar spine & sacroiliac joint and left for around 10mins with heat pads placed over the needles (had to ring the bell as lying on my stomach was beginning to irriate the front of my hip as it was stretching a little too much!)

When I stood up at the end of the session my calf felt better though my lower spine was quite stiff. Went home and snuggled up in my lazy boy with my kitten and blankets and had a snooze, needles always make me sleepy!

(Written Wednesday 13th) - Last night I was a little stiff and had some muscle soreness but was not too bad, I did have a little trouble trying to get comfy in bed and sleeping. Today I am quite stiff so trying to move round lots to keep muscles moving. My groin is a little more twingy today but will see how that goes!

My next appt is Thursday 2pm and I have two booked for next week as well. Though it is painfull it feels sooo good to finally get some deep tissue work done! I am now nearly 100% walking with just the one crutch and only on bad bad days do I use both.

Friday, 8 August 2008

First Physio Appointment Post Op

Well I managed with some difficulty to drag myself to my 9am physio appointment this morning. Brr it was so cold!

As my physio who I have had throughout my injury has left and gone to Australia I had to find a new one, luckily a friend of mine sugested a great physio here who deals with complex cases and she was also recommended by my surgeon.

So It took around 40mins to go through my strory, show her my photos,x-rays & MRI images & I am pretty happy as she is lovely and does have some experience with hip problems like mine!

We are going to start out slowly as it is only early days and since my injury was in 2005 my body is going to take a long time to heal back to normal. She has given me two stretches to do, calf stretch & lower back extension 9(lying on my stomach arching my back) as my lower spine has pretty much siezed up. She wants me to do these gentle stretches till next Tuesday to loosen the muscles then on the next appointment so is going to do some soft tissue work on my thigh/calf/lower back & see what my limitations are.

Only a little more sore than usual for going through the excercises and am looking forward to getting the muscle work done next week. Am booked in for Tuesday & Friday next week. This new place I am going has a mini gym there also so you can go and do you rehab and be kept an eye on unlike being sent to a big gym and floundering so that's good.

I will also be doing a lot of rehab in the pool - which I don't mind as I only live a block away from the indoor pool here & it's warm!! Only thing I hate is the strong chlorine smell so hopefully it's not that bad as have not been there for years.

Sleeping - I am able to lie on my right side for around 5-10mins just to give my back a rest but them my op'd hip starts to ache quite badly so have to move back onto my back.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

I Have New Toys!!

My new laptop arrived this morning, it's so lovely & pink!! Here's a photo;

& I got my new DSLR (first DSLR) on Monday;

The new Canon EOS 450D with twin IS lens kit. Have only taken a few indoor shots at night so not really had a good play but from what I have taken so far it is amazing! I have been wanting this camers since it was released & Bond & Bond had a good finance deal with 15mths interest free deferred payment so I though why not :) Should have them paid off by the end of the 15mths so wont have to pay any extra on interest!

The laptop is just so neat - I love it! It also came bundled with Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 (Photos) & Adobe Premier Elements 4 (Videos) which is about a $230 software package already on the computer. So I am double happy as was looking to buy the software anyway. Not quite ready to move to Photoshop CS3 as it's insanely expensive & Elements has everything I need anyway. I don't like editing photos too much as I like being able to take a great photo without needing photoshop to make it look great.

Next I am going to do an online Digital Photography course which will enable me to setup my own business when my hip if fully healed. I am also working through my Massage Therapy course and will be able to setup that from home also once I am 100%.

So it's a good day even though I am in pain - I have toys!!! :)

Monday, 4 August 2008

Recovery Timeline FAI Surgery - 7 Weeks Post Op

I have made it to 7 weeks post of with no big dramas, no falls, bumps or knocks to my hip & it feels like it has been a lot longer timewise. I really must thank again all my friends (especially those who have been through similar hip problems) and family who have been so supportive through all the ups & downs you go though after surgery. It makes a difference to have such a wonderful support network!

I had my 2nd post op checkup on 29th July & had x-rays taken (these are on my Imaging post). The screws had not moved and the outer trocanter where it was cut was healing nicely though there is still a section nearer the bottom which was not as healed as the rest.

I have been given the go ahead "To Work The Hip" (that's specialist speak... lol) and start fullon physio therapy focusing on core strength (ugh time to wake up ab muscles..) stretching the glute/thigh area, Aqua Jogging & something else I couldn't read on the physio referral.

My lovely phsio who I have had for the last 4 years and who as been through my hip saga with me has just moved to greener pastures in Australia & I felt the task of finding another great physio quite daunting. Our town here only has around 40,000 people and 3 main physio places with a few solo physio practices around. However I have; I was talking to a friend who had a very bad motorcross accident and ended up dislocating is shoulder out the back (which aparently only happends in 5% of cases) and had a very complex recovery stemming from that. He said the physio he has was brilliant and handled a lot of complex/complicated cases and has many years of experiance behind her. So last week (Wednesday 30th) I went to my first appt with her however she was sick so was booked in for this Friday 8th August. She is very popular but I am hoping once I am in the system I should be able to see her every second day.

Pain - I have made quite a big step and have downgraded from Morphine 20mg 2-3 times a day to Codine 60-90mg twice a day. If it is bad a need the 90mg to get on top of it & my stomach seams to be holding up with the change of medication ok but I will see if that lasts.

Over the last couple of days my pain has changed and another element has added itself. This pain;

1/ Feels like a burning pain

2/ Is around the groin area

3/ Shoots down my leg & feeling quite deep like it is shooting down the bone

4/ End up in my calf/foot which is really uncomfortable

I am wondering if my screws have got something to do with it? It's starting to annoy me as it hasn't get less or gone away. Frustrating at night as it has made things harder to sleep again so have been trying all my tricks (wheatbags, creams. pillows, massage etc) to try and get on top of it. Saturday night I was still awake at 3am!! But did manage to catch up on some sleep yesterday.

At 7 weeks I can fully weight bear and there doesn't seam to be much if any pain when standing however things start to feel more uncomfy when walking and sitting in chairs or moving round in bed trying to find a good position. I have had come very sharp pains in the joint like a stitch has come loose in the labrum and it's rubbing but it only lasted a few minutes, still getting the odd popping sound but have been told it's normal in these early days.

Swelling is much better (will photos photo this afternoon) and I can fit into my jeans again :) My thigh muscle has stopped randomly cramping on me and it slowly getting stronger, though it is still at least half the size of my good leg. Quite amazing how quickly muscle wastes away when not being used as normal.

I can manage to get in & out of our Spa with relative ease and find this has helped a lot with my stiffness and just relaxes everything. I am looking forward to getting into some deep tissue massage with my new physio, I know I will most likely cry to begin with but it is going to feel SOOOO good afterwards - look at that I am EXCITED about PAIN! lol.

Will expand this post later in the day :)

We Finally Have SUNSHINE Again!!!!! Yayyyyy :)

We have had around 3 weeks of rain, cold southwesterlies, horrible damp overcast days with little to no sunshine.

I am a Sun Person, I love soaking up the warmth & I hate the cold. So I am finishing up on a few posts then going to make the most of the weather, think I might go for a drive to some scenic spots in our area and take some photos - it might not last long!

Plus it's 15oC!! It hasn't been this warm in a long time, well it is only just under 4 weeks till the first day of SPRING so hopefully there will me many more days like this instead of the cold overcast ones :)

It's like an instant happyfix when the Sun's out it really is :)

I hope others round the country have had the change in weather too & Have a good day everyone!

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Recovery Timeline FAI Open Surgery Day 1 - 4 Weeks Post Op

Dated 15 June 2007 - Day After Surgery

Not supposed to txt or use cellphones in the rooms here so am hooked up to the dialup internet in the wall - so fast!! Well op is over, yesterday was pretty terrible as they have not really got my pain meds right till today. Had the op 11.20 i think on Sat and was under for a couple of hours (still waiting on the op report) woke up in insane pain in recovery. As I had been taking morphine tablets (10-20mg two to three times a day) since December 2007 my body was used to the medication and was only given 20mg to start with in recovery what basicly had no effect. My surgeon charted I needed more than normal however it took over half an hour and me crying in pain for them to give me more. Even when they did it only just hit the surface of the pain. I think I should have been given 50mg to begin with.

I felt like I had been hit by a bus in recovery. Yesterday (morning after surgery) they got me up and showered me, the worst part was standing up for the first time and the hip clicked & popped as it settled into place and this was quite painfull. I was placed on the commode/wheelchair and wheeled into the shower. Having a shower did help make me feel a bit more fresh but it was very exhausting & getting back into bed was not too nice with the pain being up there. I still think I was not being given enough pain meds and most normal people having this surgery who have not been on morphine before hand would have coped better with the pain releif I am sure. But I got there.

The next day (Monday) I had a shower, was able to get dressed into my own SATIN PJ's and had my post op x-rays. My level of pain relief has finally reached the right balance and it took a while as I was first on a PCA pump - self administered pain relief but would dose off and wake really sore as couldn't press the button when I was sleeping. I also started to throw up with the pump so they changed to morphine shots in my good thigh (I hate needles and it was not bad at all). Seemed to work ok but started to get sick from that too. So they changed me onto my normal morphine tablets and my stomach has settled down, not queasy or throwing up anymore (which is great as I can start getting energy from food and it is not nice trying to throw up and protect your newly operated hip at the same time!!). I did my makeup today so help helped me feel little better :) . Crazy thing is I am allowed to fully weight bear on my op'ed leg! Too sore right now only restrictions are not allowed to swing leg out to the side for 6 weeks in case it dislocates. Have also been given daliy injections into my stomach of a blood thinner and have to take asprin daily for six weeks post op to stop blood clots.

I have very sexy stockings on to the knee to help circulation - kind of like airplane compression socks and have had booties on my feet which inflate every 5 secs to push the bloodflow up the legs. I only have to wear them at night from now on - the day of my operation and the next I had to wear them 24/7, oh yay! You get used to them and I have been able to sleep with them on they are just annoying sometimes. So am in a much better mindframe today - really was not good yesterday. I couldn't keep much food down either which didn't help.

Day 14 Post Op (28 june 2008)

It is now day 14 post op & it is much better this week. I was able to go home 4 days after surgery (Operation was the Sat and home on the Wed afternoon) and couldn't wait as I missed my own place & family lots. I have been sleeping in a lazy boy since I got home & highly recommended it as it gives much better control and is so much easier getting up etc just until you have a little more strength back and you also have support on both sides. I did have a very cold foot on the operated side with pins & needles but that went away after 3 days at home. Wheatbags helps a lot! Also if you can get someone to gently massage your calf & foot on the operated side. Still have my pressure stockings to wear for the next week or so and taking Asprin once a day for 6 weeks in total to avoid blood clots.

Painwise - I still have had little pain from the actual incision. I had disolveable stitches and a mefix bandage which I took off yesterday (27/6), very slowly. The incision line is really fine and a lot less noticeable than I was expecting. Swelling has mostly gone now which is great as I pretty much had a second hip on that side! The main pain I have currently is when I wake up in the morning and the joint is very achey till I move round, get the muscles moving and get on top of my pain killers again. I have been told I can weight bear, even fully if I can however am on double crutches for 6 weeks with no physio. I am allowed to practice my walking and clentch/flex the muscles to help them retain some strength.

3 Weeks Post Op - 7 July

Progressed from lazy boy to the bed (have a memory foam mattress cover, numerous pillows and satin blanket for getting in & out of bed). Feeling stronger this week and the swelling is going down nicely which is helping to straighten out my lower body as I am a little wonky looking. Currently I am getting more muscle pain than joint pain & my thigh on my operated leg has decided it wants to cramp up on me, often. So I have to be carefull getting up/sitting down and have been given some gentle stretches by my physio to help loosen the muscle. My scar has healed nicely though it is still numb around the scar, the feeling will come back with time though it does feel weird rubbing creams into the leg there and it being numb!! ACC have supplied a cleaner to come once a week and she is lovely, does a great job and it makes you feel so much better to know you have a tidy house!

Above and below my scar 3 weeks post op, still a lot of swelling to go down yet.

4 Weeks Post Op

Though I am not allowed to do any physio till after the "safe" 6 week period post op I went to see my physio as my lower back & glutes on the operated side are giving me a lot of pain and everything is soo tight. She did a few gentle mobs on my lower back - which was a minefield of pain but it did help to loosen some of the muscles. She also did work around my neck and upper spine as I also have a shoulder/neck injury which has been aggrivated by my constant crutch use. Still about the same as last week but feeling stronger everyday and slowly getting more normal activities into my day like cooking meals again & managed a walk to the shop & back (block & a half from our house).

Scar 4 weeks post op - healing nicely, still swelling though this will take a while to fully go away.

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Tips For Coping With Open FAI Surgery...

1/ Make sure you get a haircut before hand – makes it so much easier to managein hospital and when you get home.

2/ Shave you legs, give yourself a good body scrub and keep moisturizer up inthe week before – make you feel better during recovery and the iodine they slop everywhere can make your skin dry and flaky in the weeks afterwards. I am using Bio Oil on my skin & will also use it on my scar when fully healed, it’s great!

3/ I was allowed home on the 5th day after surgery & made the trip from CHCH-Timaru with lots of pillows supporting me. Make sure you take painkillers before the trip home.

4/ Pain relief in hospital – They will force Panadol on you religiously and try to wean you off stronger options but make sure you keep up the stronger stuff if you can as I was feeling ok but it took them 3 days to begin with to get on top of my pain medication as I was taking morphine (10-20mg 2-3 times a day sinceOctober 07) before the op and my body was used to it so speak up if it’s not enough. It took around 30 minutes in recovery to settle my pain as all theygave me to start off was 20mg!

5/ Take Arnica Plus Spray by Naturo Pharm in the weeks leading up to your operation and in the weeks after – 2/3 Sprays 3 times a day. This helped me hugely and I did not come out with any bruising – only a little yellow where the stitches were. It helps your body heal naturally.

6/ Make sure you get home help with ACC or through Insurance if you can – I have a lady that comes every Tuesday for 2hrs and does all cleaning & washing etc and is such a great help. Also make sure you get a raised toilet seat with handles, a trolly with wheels and couch raisers.

7/ If you can get a lazy boy/recliner do that or if you have one or know someone who has one see if you can borrow it as I slept in it for the first 3 weeks after surgery. It is so much better than the bed as I am able to get up myself and lie flat if I need to or shift the angle of the chair myself. Otherwise I don’t think I would have been able to get up or out of bed if I was on my own. Plus your not having to lift your leg in and out of bed and reduces the chance of slipping or straining the hip.

8/ Make sure you drink lots of water to help your muscles heal, stock up on magazines to read!

9/ BABY WIPES – these have been wonderful, keep a pack in the toilet where you can reach as sometimes after the surgery when your trying to balance on the loo things don’t quite go right and this just helps clean and makes you feel much fresher lol till you can have a shower. Also keep a pack wherever you are during the day as they are handy to wipe hands etc. You can get some really nicesmelling ones too!

10/ Once you have got the hang of your crutches and want to carry things I use a plastic bag and put things in and take them to the lounge with the bag on my crutches otherwise you don’t have any free hands and if your on your own it can be pretty frustrating not being able to carry things.

11/ Stock up on muffins and ready to eat foods – things that you can pop in a bag and get on your own & easy to eat foods for during the night when you need to take pain killers.

12/ SHOWERING – The day I left hospital I was strong enough to stand with one leg and partial weight on my op leg and have a shower on my own. When I got home I had a couple of sponge baths in front of the fire till I was happy to have a shower. A detatchable shower head is a must – as this helps a lot for the first few showers. I got away with not needing to have a hair wash till I got home and found it easiest with a $10 shower ext from The Warehouse & used it over the sink as it is much easier to lean forward than backwards after the op. Or if you have a shower with slider shower rose it would do the same job.

13/ Massage - if you can get someone to massage E Balme into your calf/foot andthigh (away from the cut) this will help circulation and the muscles to repair.Plus it feels great and helps you relax.

14/ Satin PJ's & Satin blankets. I manged to pickup a satin quilted blanket for around $20 and used this in the bed when I migrated from the lazy boy as it lets you slide in & out without straining your muscles & is sooo much easier. This is also useful when getting in & out of the car if you can lay the blanket on the seat before you get in it helps you slide in out with ease.

Photo of my bed setup with the satin blanket;

Imaging - X-Rays & MRI Images

MRI Screen Captures - 14 May 2007

X-ray of pelvis pre operation:

Pelvis after FAI operation (14/06/2008) where they shaved the impinging bone on the head of the femur, removed the inflammed bursa & repaired another tear - all things they were unable to go in the scope operation. The screws are holding the outer Trocanter on and if I am lucky they will not irritate me and they will stay in! :

Left hip take at 6 week check-up 29/07/08

Cross table view after the operation taken 15/07/08:

Cross table view taken at 6 week checkup - 29/07/08

Friday, 1 August 2008

Operation Report 14/6/08 with Operation Photos

Operative Procedure:

The patient was anaesthetised, the left hip was prepped and draped in the usual manner to give a sterile field. An incision was made over the greater trochanter through the subcutaneous fat to ilia tibial band, this was split, the greater trochanter was found to have moderate bursitis here, this was excised.

A trochanteric osteotomy was undertaken, care was taken to avoid damaging the blood supply to the hip and the gluteus minus lifted off and the hip capsule exposed, a capsulotomy was undertaken, the hip was dislocated. The findings showed that there was an area of contusion to the anterior labrum with some associated chondral damage with this.

The previous arthroscopy where the labrum had been torn was visible and found that the labrum was adequately excised. I removed the anterior labrum and reattached it with X2 anchors after I'd removed the bone behind this, then went to the head/neck junction where there had been obviously impingement here and used the templates to check the serosity of the head and removed the excess bone, the head/neck junction offset was improved and the raw bone surface and placed some bone wax into the raw bones to prevent bleeding here.

I closed the wounds in layers just slightly tightened the anterior capsule as I felt it was somewhat lax, then a redivac drain was placed in the deep layer and the greater trochanter reattached with X2 screws. The skin was closed with subcuticular Monocryl.

Post Op Instructions: Pain relief as charted, no active abduction for 6 weeks but patient may mobilise full weight bearing, check xray and haemoglobin in 24 hours.

More Background on my Hip Injury..

This post is a continuation of the January 2008 post;

By September 2007 I had been through 2 x GP's, numerous physio's, Chiropractor, Local Specialist, Osteopath & a Chinese Accupuncturist to find out why my hip and groin had never settled down after my fall onto my left hip in October 2005.

After the Local Specialist admitted the results on the MRI looked too complicated for him to "fix me" I found my own specialist in Christchurch who was reported to be one of the best in the country.

I was sent to get more x-rays and he assessed my MRI. The MRI showed a small tear and Cam & Pincer Impingement. My surgeon wanted to do open surgery to correct these problems and also deal with my very irritated bursa. However ACC thought this surgery was too risky and wanted him to try Keyhole Surgery first to see if that would work. So on 10 December 2007 I went in for the Scope (keyhole). I was only in the theatre around 30mins as all they could do was repair the small tear which showed on the MRI and debride (burn off) a larger tear which had not shown on the MRI. (MRA's show much more detail for this type of injury).

They were unable to address or even look at the bursa or deal with the impingement issues. We did hold onto the hope that what they managed would be enough to make me pain free....

I was operated on the Monday morning and was discharged Tuesday lunchtime & got to make the lovely 2 hour drive home. Over the next 5 months I went for checkups with my specialist and thing went downhill for me and I ended up getting more sore after the scope than before and it was getting worse....

I was given a guided steroid injection into the hip capsule to hopefully reduce the inflammation however this also aggrevated my hip and made things worse with no relief.

I went back to my surgeon in dispair and said I couldn't take this any longer and wanted him to apply to ACC for funding for the open proceedure they turned down in the first place. He did and amazingly it only took 3 weeks for approval to go through and I had my date set for June 14th for the Open Surgery to address the FAI, Bursa & any tears not seen in the first scope.

Grrrr I Hate Big Chain Stores.....

I have been looking at buying a new laptop and a DSLR Camera Kit & after a lot of research I went down to our local Harvey Norman and found a salesman and said " I want this laptop, laptop sleeve & DSLR Camera Kit & will take it with me today thanks..."

Salesman replied great no problem I will just check availibility.

Sorry we don't have any of the camera kit you want and we also don't have any of the laptop apart from the showroom model (which I was NOT going to take as they have it set up with all the laptops on a large table/stand and they are on 24/7 and had no heat protection. I picked up the display one and it was soo hot underneath I hate to think what that was doing to the laptop. Plus it was shop soiled and looked rather shabby.)

I asked him to check other branches and there was 3 showing 1 each (also display he said). So I asked if he could get one direct from the manufacture - he replied " Sorry no, we have had 2 on order since Feb and looks like we won't ever see those, sorry."

As for the camera kit he said he could place an order Monday and should have the kit in a week or so.....

I have quite a specific list of requirements for my new laptop and this one fitted it perfect! I did have another option - a Sony Vaio but it was over a week wait so I chose this other option instead as it had the same specs mostly and HN had it - apparently!!

So I left pretty pissed off as those new toys were going to brighten my weekend (Its been overcast here for over a week and raining an awful lot, plus I have been quite sore the past couple of days with my hip).

I have a copy of their new mailer and it has the laptop I wanted and the camera ( plus another laptop I asked them to check for and also didn't have with none in the country) and I think that's false advertising - Our store here is pretty big and I expect them to stock what is in the mailer..... GRRRRR

I have now gone back to my Original laptop I was looking at;

Sony Vaio in Lizard Pink! Which you can get from Bond & Bond & Noel Leeming's so if I am feeling not too sore in the morning I will go down and see who has the better deal :)

As for the camera kit, well that's going on hold as I have lost my motivation after today.

I think I have vented enough on that subject!!

Thursday, 31 July 2008

It's Raining, I'ts Pouring...

Torrential rain started pouring here yesterday and has not stopped since, most of the county is getting battered by this huge winter blast. We have a lovely river running down the backyard from the school field above and down the path at the side of the house!.

Currently nearly 7 weeks post op - next post will have the details

Here are some photos of the rain......

Friday, 25 January 2008

How my hip problem started...

Two years ago (Oct 2005) I slipped on a wooden floor and landed with my full weight onto my left outer hip joint (pain was so intense I couldn't breathe) and it happened so fast I wasn't able to break my fall with my hands.Few days later I will still in intense pain & a large bruise the size of an orange had appeared on my hip joint.

I then had four months of physio - ultrasound/tens machine/manipulation & acupuncture. Even after four months I still was unable to lie on my left side as the joint area was sooo sore & continued to have pain in the groin area.Was told by my physio it would go away over time so I went on my way. That was in Feb 2006 and in the months that followed I still had the pain on the hip joint & when bringing my knee up to my chest also when sitting/lying - could not get away from it.

I then started to get more pain in my bum muscles and was also getting low back pain.In August 2006 I went back to my doctor & he referred me to a chiropractor who manipulated me for just over two months which made all my symptoms wore not better so back to the doctor & I had a locum as my doctor was away. Straight away after checking me over she said I most likely had Bursitis of the bursa (fluid filled sack which is between the hip bone and the muscles) when the bursa becomes inflamed (from falling directly onto it) so sent me to a local Orthopedic Specialist who on my first visit gave me a steroid injection directly into the bursa (I cried it was so painful & I felt it pop as the needle pierced the bursa).

I got no relief from the steroid injection & it made the whole area flare up for the week following the injection & was unable to put much weight on the leg at all. My Specialist then said the steroid injection could take a few weeks to start making a difference so he booked my in for 10 weeks later to see my progress.My hip pain continued to get worse so at my next appointment my spec booked my into have an MRI as he suspected something more than the bursitis. Results came back showing a lot of inflammation in the joint & a tear in the labrum as well as other irregularities however he did not feel confident or know enough about what he found so I was referred to another specialist in Christchurch.

My first visit to the new specialist was in June this year and it has take from then till Sept for him to finally decide what was causing so much trouble and pain - FAI Femoral Acetabular Impingement with a tear in the labrum and the bursa has never settled down because structurally the hip joint was not as it should be.